Talk Title: Long-Range Disease Risk Prediction -- Algorithmic Information Fusion in a Life and Death Environment - Over-nutrition and suboptimal dietary macronutrient choices are arguably the major environmental stressor in individuals living in Western societies...
Over the past decade, OpenTox has motivated a global community of scientists sharing data, knowledge and best practices related to toxicology. Today, the open knowledge standards ideas of OpenTox are being implemented within OpenRiskNet to support the safety assessment goals of chemicals.
He and his team are developing “safety assessment tools for decision support” which provide access to integrated information for adverse drug reaction (ADR) mitigation. Laszlo received his M.D. and Ph.D. in neuropharmacology from Debrecen University, Hungary.
VP of Research and Development at Vertex Labs. Joined Vertex Labs in 2016 after time spent as a statistical analyst. Active in Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience, and Natural Language Processing. Most recently engaged in chemometrics research with GSK and Generative Modeling with Wondertron.
Active in Machine Learning, Automated/Assisted Medical Diagnostics, and Speech Processing. Most recently engaged in chemometrics research with GSK and Signal Processing with LexisNexis.
Bruce Kristal